Saskatoons Red Deer U-Pick started July 8, 2006. 

We are Henk & Jozien, the proud new owners of this beautiful-charming Saskatoon Patch!

We immigrated to Alberta from the Netherlands almost 18 years ago with our 3 children.   

In addition to growing Saskatoons, our passions include: flower gardening, enjoying our pets (Dogs “Sam & Dana”, along with 3 cats “Sunny, Spookie, and Sue”), we love to visit with friends and offer a helping-hand to our neighbors whenever we can.  

This year we’ve been having fun in the Saskatoon patch! We’ve trimmed our Saskatoon bushes to renew their growth and so that you can more easily reach the top of the trees.  Henk and I have cleaned up weeds and have spread a special fertilizer for healthy and full Saskatoon bushes. Henk has bought some new tools and machinery to work with the berries and to keep on our acreage in top shape.

We pride ourselves on a client-friendly yard and garden, the flowers are blooming, and the lawn is freshly mowed, so that you will love being at our place. Both Henk and I love to be outside on our days off work.  Henk works as a trucker, and me, Jozien, I am a lab technician at the Red Deer Hospital Laboratory.

We look forward to meeting you! Come by and visit us and fill your pails with Saskatoon love! 

Henk & Jozien
Saskatoons Red Deer Proud Owners Henk & Jozien Angenentn
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